I love learning new languages!
To share my experiences with various languages of this world, I have set-up a squidoo lens!
Some of the languages which are likely to be covered here include Bengali, Bo, French, German, Gujarati, Kannada, Hindi, Malyalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sharda, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, and many more.
Checkout the squidoo lens here: http://www.squidoo.com/love-languages.
To share my experiences with various languages of this world, I have set-up a squidoo lens!
Some of the languages which are likely to be covered here include Bengali, Bo, French, German, Gujarati, Kannada, Hindi, Malyalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sharda, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, and many more.
Checkout the squidoo lens here: http://www.squidoo.com/love-languages.